Hints and Frequently Asked Questions:
Every six to twelve months, most underwriting and insurance companies review their rates against losses paid-out through insurance claims and insurance fraud. They then adjust (usually increase) their premiums accordingly.
A Non-owners policy covers one individual who does not own any vehicles but needs coverage, and is recommended for those who need an SR-22 to reinstate their license.
You may have heard about “Limited” and “Regular” Auto Insurance policies. Limited policies carry a lower premium, however, they will only cover those who are listed on the policy. If you let other people drive your car, you may be better off with a Regular policy. Regular policies will carry a higher premium, but you will have to exclude those, living in your household, who you do not want to be covered. In order to write either of these policies, you must provide proof of ownership of the vehicle(s).
TexasSure is the system used by law enforcement and County Tax Offices to verify your Auto Insurance instantly by matching your insurance policy with your Texas vehicle registration and Title information. Many people are being caught owning a vehicle without Liablility insurance. Their licenses are then suspended and are required to obtain an SR-22 (Financial responsibility form) to reinstate their license. To learn more about TexasSure, click here. Even though officers can instantly verify insurance, you are still required to carry and provide proof of insurance.
Liability is the minimum amount of coverage required by the State of Texas. As of January 1, 2011, the minimum coverage amount has increased from $25,000 to $30,000 for bodily injury or death of one person and from $50,000 to $60,000 for injury or death for two or more persons. The minimum amount for property damage will remain at $25,000.
How Can I Lower My Insurance Premiums?
You don’t have to pay a higher rate! Here are some hints that you can act on to help make your purchase of Insurance easier and improve your likelihood of a lower premium:
1. Do not rely on yearly inspections for your vehicle.
2. If possible, enroll in a defensive driving course.
3. When you drive, do not drink.
4. Buy a hands-free mobile phone kit and do not text and drive.
5. “Turn around, don’t drown.” It’s also the law.
1. Exercise at least three times per week.
2. Quit smoking.
3. Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption.
4. Minimize or eliminate fast foods from your diet.
5. Drink more water and cut-down or eliminate soda.
1. Remove any obstacles in high traffic areas.
2. Purchase fire extinguishing equipment.
3. Remove, when possible, fire hazards around your home.
4. Replace batteries in your smoke detector every six months.
5. Get your air-conditioning unit and hot water heater serviced.