EmpowerIns.com | April 06, 2017
Families are growing faster than ever these days. Some people are enjoying the experience of being a new parent, while others are thrilled to be expecting. Whatever the case may be, adding a child into your life changes everything. Driving is stressful enough, and adding a child into the mix can only amplify those stress levels. It’s important to follow certain precautions to keep your precious cargo safe every time you travel. Here’s how to have a smooth ride with your child…
Don’t give your baby toys or food in the car – As you know, driving requires your full attention. A child with food or a toy needs monitoring…
Always put your child in the backseat – Placing your child in the front seat of the car is extremely dangerous and can cause serious injury…
Drive slowly and defensively – It’s been proven that new parents average less sleep than truck drivers, and their accident rates are on par with teen drivers…
Stay off of your phone – Being a new parent means more responsibilities and there’s a good chance you’ll be scattered and will start multitasking to try and balance everything…
Don’t ever leave your child in the car unattended – When running a quick errand, it’s tempting to hop out and leave your child, thinking you will only be gone a minute…
Before putting these tips to good use, make sure that all of your insurance needs are up-to-date. Give us a call to have an agent review your policy to confirm that your auto insurance has the right amount of coverage for your family and your needs. We can also ensure that you are getting the best rate for your policy.
You might even qualify for additional discounts, especially if you have your home insured through us!
Give us a call today at HP Gonzalez Insurance Agency in San Antonio, TX: (210) 342-8455. Remember, At HP Gonzalez Insurance Agency, we’ve got you covered!
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